Famous luxurious Hotel in a fifteenth century Palazzo on the Grand Canal. Ernest Hemingway once stayed in one of the 93 rooms. Private beach. Santa Maria del Giglio, San Marco 2467, phone 794611, fax 5200942.
Hotel Danieli
One of the best and most stylish hotels in the world. 233 rooms in a building with a history and a private beach. Built in the fourteenth century but named after Joseph da Niel who made it into accommodation and a meeting place for nineteenth century writers and artists like Dickens, Wagner, Proust, Debussy, George Sand, Cocteau and Ruskin. In 1630 the first Venetian opera, by Monteverdi, was performed here. Riva degli Schiavoni 4196.
Phone 5226480, fax: 5200208.
Hotel dell’Europa e Regina / Palazzo Tiepolo
Luxurious but good value for money. Wonderful courtyard and terrace, 192 huge rooms often facing the canal. Calle Larga XXII Marzo, San Marco 2159, phone 5200477, fax 5231533.
Hôtel des Bains
Luchino Visconti filmed his ‘Death in Venice’ here. 191 large rooms and a private beach. Lungo Marconi 17, Lido, phone 5265921, fax 5260113 Hotel Bauer Grünwald & Grand HotelV Comfortable and conveniently located near the San Marco. 200 rooms, many
of them overlooking the water. 1459 S. Marco, phone: 5207022, fax
moderately priced:
La Fenice et des Artistes
An old building next to the Opera. Nice roof garden, 65 rooms with antique furniture. Campiello Fenice, phone 5232333, fax 5203721.
Santo Stefano
Small rooms but with a few over the square. 11 rooms. Campo Santo Stefano, San Marco 2957, phone 5200166, fax 5224460.
Pensione Accademia - Villa Maravegie
Nice hotel near the Art Academy with a wonderful garden. 26 rooms. Dorsoduro, 1058, phone 5237846.